The colonial subject goes to the Motherland

Posted on August 16, 2007


I’m off to London for eight days tomorrow, and I’m super excited! Having been brought up to revere anything and everything British, I’m amazed it’s taken me so long to get to England. My parents had been a few times before we were born, and only once showed any interest in taking the Tweet and I there. Such interest came on the heels of a two week vacation in Spain, during which time it became grossly apparent that throwing four people of different ages, interests and genders together in a confined area for two weeks is in no way justified by things as flimsy as biological bonds. We said no – we were straining to get away from them too much to care about the broadening effect of travel. So it serves me right that now I am spending my entire life savings on this one week (well, I’ve only worked for one year).
Anyway, by pure coincidence (really – we don’t get all our social life off the net) Basil Fawlty and Amnesiac will be there too, so I guess a lot of Egypto-English blogging will be coming to the internet soon. I’m going with the Geezer, at whose chalet or cottage (or whatever they call waterside houses over there) we shall chill for a couple days before heading down to London. When I asked him if I should bring bikinis he said kindly, “well, bring one,” not having the heart to tell me that at no point shall such a state of disrobement be possible. Amn, however, being as huge a weather pussy as I, was diligent in informing on several occasions of the need to bring a coat, sneakers, and sweaters. Sigh. I don’t even know where my socks are…I haven’t worn a pair since April. Luckily the Twiglet just returned from Canada so will just pack everything she unpacked and be off.
Will take notes in a tiny nerdy notebook for your delectation, but probably won’t be blogging from there…so blog you next Sunday!
Posted in: travel, work